Aphantasia Experiments

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Exploring the Edges of Consciousness: The OBE Journeys of Calloway and Muldoon

Hugh Calloway's life story is as intriguing as it is enigmatic, marked by vivid out-of-body experiences (OBEs) that transported him to otherworldly realms. His experiences, which began in childhood, included visions of immense grandeur and terrifying ordeals, such as being bound and injured, only to be snapped back to physical reality upon refusal to renounce his true identity.

In his attempt to understand and induce OBEs, Calloway turned to the teachings of Theosophy and the work of Madame Blavatsky, exploring techniques to navigate these spiritual excursions. He spoke of methods to achieve OBEs, such as preparing the mind through knowledge retention while on the verge of sleep and utilizing the pineal gland, often referred to as the "third eye" or the gateway to higher states of consciousness.

Parallel to Calloway's explorations were those of Sylvan Muldoon, another OBE practitioner, whose experiences were recorded by psychical researcher Hereward Carrington. Muldoon's accounts detailed a silver cord connecting his astral form to his physical body, a concept prevalent in many spiritual traditions as the lifeline between the physical and astral planes.

These accounts from Calloway and Muldoon invite us to ponder the vast capabilities of the human mind and the potential for experiences beyond the ordinary confines of physical existence. They challenge us to consider the possibility of life beyond the tangible, and they caution the unprepared about the profound nature of such journeys.

Have you ever had an out-of-body experience? Do you have aphantasia, but ONE time you were able to see something? Have you ever had a near-death experience?

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